Other Symposia
The symposia of this conference are as follows. In some symposia, as well as technical sessions, anyone can apply for presentation.
(oral presentation only)
1. Instabilities in Tribology: Phenomena, Analyses, and Countermeasures
(anyone can apply as well as technical sessions)
27th September (Wed) 2023, 10:20 AM - 11:40 AM Room G
27th September (Wed) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room G
27th September (Wed) 2023, 4:30 PM - 6:10 PM Room G
28th September (Thu) 2023, 9:20 AM - 10:40 AM Room G
The University of Tokyo, Japan | ||
Ken Nakano | Yokohama National University, Japan | |
Hiroshi Matsukawa | Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan | |
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | ||
Valentin Popov | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | |
Scope: | Instability appears in various tribological systems, such as transition from static to dynamic friction, stick-slip motion, squeal noise, chattering, scuffing, seizure, etc. It is observed in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, ranging from atomic friction to plate boundary earthquakes. In this session, we focus on the dynamical aspects of such phenomena and share the common features. We invite presentations from different disciplines in engineering and science of tribo-dynamics. |
2. Mesoscopic Tribology Bridging the Gap between Nano- and Macro-scale
(anyone can apply as well as technical sessions)
29th September (Fri) 2023, 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM Room J
29th September (Fri) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room J
29th September (Fri) 2023, 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM Room J
The University of Electro-Communications, Japan | ||
Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan | ||
Shinji Yamada | Kao Corporation, Japan | |
Kouji Miura | The University of Electro-Communications, Japan | |
Scope: | Recently, in the fields of mechanical engineering and materials engineering, remarked change of mechanical properties between nanoscale and macroscale has attracted attentions of many researchers. For example, MEMS measurements and theoretical simulations have shown that silicon materials used as mechanical elements exhibit brittle fracture on a macroscopic scale although they show transition to ductile fracture on a sub-microscale. The stress and pull-off force of metallic nano junction are reported to be different from those evaluated on the macroscale. In the liquid lubrication, the formation of sub-microscale domains of lubricant molecules at the sliding interface and its stability largely affects the lubrication properties. In order to understand the difference between nanoscale and macroscale physical properties, statistical mechanics has traditionally been used in the field of physics. However, the intermediate region between nano and macro, that is to say, mesoscale, physical properties around sub-micrometers, has yet to be understood. In this symposium, we aim to discuss physics in the mesoscopic area that bridges the gap between nano and macro using both experimental (friction force microscope, micrometer, surface forces apparatus, etc.) and theoretical methods, from the viewpoint of tribology. We would like to not only connect the gap between nano and macro academically, but also provide a clue to breakthroughs in multiscale technology that contributes to carbon neutrality and SDGs. |
Keynote Speaker:

Graphite Lubrication: Humidity-dependence and Structural Transformation of Highly Loaded Contacts Graphite and a Structural Transition
Martin Dienwiebel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and Fraunhofer IWM, Germany
Graphite is a well-known solid lubricant that has been studied for decades. At low loads, graphite’s lubricity depends on humidity. Classical models like e.g. the adsorption model explains this by molecular water films on graphite leading to defect passivation and easy sliding of counter bodies. To explore the humidity dependence and validate the adsorption model for high loads, a commercial graphite solid lubricant was studied using microtribometry [1]. Even at very high contact pressures, a high and low friction regime is observed - depending on humidity. Transmission electron microscopy reveals transformation of the polycrystalline graphite lubricant into turbostratic carbon after high and even after low load (50 MPa) sliding. Quantum molecular dynamics simulations relate high friction and wear to cold welding and shear-induced formation of turbostratic carbon, while low friction originates in molecular water films on surfaces. The combined experiments and simulations lead to a novel, generalized adsorption model including turbostratic carbon formation.
[1] C. Morstein, A. Klemenz, M. Dienwiebel, M. Moseler, Nature Comm. 13, 2022
Martin Dienwiebel studied Physics at the University Dortmund and the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn. He conducted his diploma research at the Forschungszentrum Jülich using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. He performed his doctoral research with Joost Frenken at the Institute for Atomic and molecular Physics in Amsterdam, the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory in Leiden and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Martin Dienwiebel obtained his PhD 2003 at Leiden University on the topic "Superlubricity of Graphite".
Afterwards he worked in the Tribology department of IAVF Antriebstechnik AG. 2008 he received an Emmy-Noether grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and set up a junior research group at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM. 2011 obtained his habilitation from KIT and 2016 he took a Heisenberg-Professur for Applied Nanotribology.
3. Lubricants for Contributing to Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development Goals
(invited and designated speakers only)
26th September (Tue) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room D
26th September (Tue) 2023, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Room D
Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Japan | ||
Chevron Japan Ltd., Japan | ||
Yasushi Naitoh | Japan | |
Scope: | At COP26 held in 2021, it was agreed to pursue efforts to keep the temperature rise to 1.5 ℃ and to reconsider the reduction target for 2030 by the end of 2022 if necessary. Lubricants have been involved in improving machine life and efficiency for many years, and have contributed to the prevention of global warming by working to save energy through technologies such as improving viscosity characteristics and optimizing friction modifiers. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of further contribution to carbon neutrality, in addition to these technologies, it is necessary to reduce carbon emissions in both the procurement of raw materials and the production of lubricating oil for the future. This symposium will focus on base oil and additive technologies for lubricating oils toward further energy conserving and carbon neutrality. |
Keynote Speaker:

A Closer Look at Sustainable Lubricants
R.I. Taylor
University of Central Lancashire, UK
Lubricants are used to reduce friction and wear in machines, saving billions of dollars worldwide in energy and breakdown costs, and lowering CO2 emissions. Today, most lubricants are made from hydrocarbons derived from crude oil, which is a finite resource and alternative bio-based lubricants are being widely investigated. CO2 emissions from current lubricants (due to their manufacture and waste disposal) are calculated we find that CO2 emissions from the production and disposal of lubricants are at least 100 times lower than the CO2 emissions from the energy used in those machines. It is also shown that the most effective way to make lubricants more sustainable is to extend lubricant oil drain intervals and collect used oil and re-refine it to make base oil for re-use. Methods that lubricant companies are using to reduce CO2 emissions during lubricant manufacture and how they are packaged are also discussed.
After a degree in Physics and a PhD in Applied Physics and Electronics, Ian Taylor worked for Plessey Research from 1988-1991 and then joined Shell in 1991. He mainly worked in tribology and lubrication research whilst at Shell and was global technology manager for Shell's Lubrication Science team from 2006 to 2012. His research focussed on energy efficient lubricants, and he managed Shell's University research links in tribology from the mid 1990's to 2020 working closely with various Universities including Leeds, York, Southampton, Imperial College, MIT and Tsinghua University. His research has resulted in over 70 papers on tribology in peer reviewed scientific journals. Ian has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Central Lancashire since 2020. Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and also of the STLE. He received the Tribology Silver Medal from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 2020.
4. Latest Technology Trends for Lubricating Greases
(anyone can apply as well as technical sessions)
27th September (Wed) 2023, 10:20 AM - 11:50 AM Room C
27th September (Wed) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room C
27th September (Wed) 2023, 4:30 PM - 6:10 PM Room C
Kyodo Yushi Co., LTD., Japan | ||
Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan | ||
Scope: | Members of JAST Technical Committee on Grease have organized this symposium, to share deep knowledge regarding the latest technologies for lubricating greases and to understand the relationship between these grease technologies and their intended applications. We hope through exchange of our knowledge and subsequent discussion that we can contribute to the advancement of expertise in lubricating greases. We also hope that this symposium will promote networking amongst both domestic and international colleagues, to make valuable connections between grease specialists from around the world. We are looking forward to an excellent and productive symposium. |
Keynote Speakers:

Grease Constituents’ Observation with the Use of the Fluorescence Microscopy
David Kostal
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Understanding of the film thickness formation provided by lubricant available at the EHD contact inlet is well known at present stage. Contrary, there is a limited knowledge about mechanisms responsible for lubricant replenishment in real bearing under operation. This is a point where simulation of elastohydrodynamic contact in standard ball-on-disk devices could not necessarily be example of conditions in real bearings. Main reason is direction of inertial forces and conformity of the EHD contact. Film thickness and starvation severity between classical ball-on-disk and newly designed ball-on-ring test rig are compared in this study with the use of the fluorescence technique. Use of fluorescence technique allows to separately observe grease constituents and identify the operating conditions where are individual constituents most important. Low speed operation is usually dominated by thickener acting as lubricant while high speed region is mostly supported by bleeding oil.
David Kostal studied at Brno University of Technology since 2005 and is specialized researcher in the field of Tribology since 2009. Start of his research in this field was focused on the starved elastohydrodynamic lubrication and is currently focused to grease lubrication. He uses mostly experimental approach to study the lubrication phenomena with focus on the colorimetric interferometry and fluorescence microscopy. His last research topics are separate observation of the grease constituents with the use of different fluorescence dyes. Another part of his work is focused on space tribology where he helps in designing tribological components, testing and inspection of the space mechanism and components. He is also experienced in mechanical and optical design of complex tribological test rigs for research purposes and testing of the components.

Activities of Technical Committee on Grease, JAST
Junichi Imai
Kyodo Yushi Co., LTD., Japan
The JAST Technical committee on grease was established in 1970 with the main purpose of researching lubricating grease for rolling bearings, and this year marks the 53rd anniversary of its founding.
Currently, this committee is one of the industry-academia collaborative research groups of the Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST), consisting of 4 academic experts and 14 company representatives, and is active at regular quarterly meetings.
Based on the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Journal of the Grease Research Group published in February 2020, this paper introduces a part of the activity history over the past 53 years and reports on the recent activities of the research group.
Junichi Imai joined Kyodo Yushi Co., Ltd. in 1995 and has been engaged in research and development of grease. So far, he has developed a wide range of products for automotive and various bearings. Currently Executive Officer of Tecnical Headquarter and General Manager of Grease Technology Department. He became a member of The JAST Technical committee on grease in 1998, and has served as chief examiner since 2022.
5. Advances in Sealing Technology Contributing to Environment
(anyone can apply as well as technical sessions)
30th September (Sat) 2023, 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM Room H
30th September (Sat) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room H
30th September (Sat) 2023, 3:50 PM - 5:50 PM Room H
Tokai University, Japan | ||
Hirotaka Mizuta | NOK Corporation, Japan | |
Scope: | Seals are important mechanical elements that not only support the stable operation of machines due to their sealing function, but are also directly related to environmental protection and energy saving. This symposium is primarily intended to provide an opportunity to meet domestic and foreign engineers interested in sealing technology from Academia and Industry to gather and share their knowledge regarding the reduction of environmental impacts thanks to innovative sealing systems. Further it is expected to discuss new ideas for deeper understanding of mechanisms for future development in this field. |
Keynote Speaker:

Carbon Footprint vs. Handprint of Dynamic Sealing Systems
Eberhard Bock
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Germany
The German government has passed a bill to further develop the greenhouse gas reduction quota and many other countries are doing the same. As a result, more and more customers are asking about the carbon footprint of our products. The carbon footprint is divided into three groups: Scope 1 includes the direct release of climate-damaging gases within the company. Scope 2 includes the indirect release of climate-damaging gases by energy suppliers, and finally Scope 3 includes the indirect release of climate-damaging gases in the upstream and downstream supply chain. Reducing Scope 3 helps customers achieve their sustainability goals.
We call this part of the footprint ""handprint"" and this is where tribology plays a major role. Virtually all dynamic sealing systems have a much larger handprint than the rest of the footprint. Tribological optimization of the dynamic sealing system can drastically reduce the footprint of a product and thus contribute to the customers sustainability goals.
This paper presents the footprint scheme and shows examples where optimized tribology delivers a large handprint compared to scope 1 and 2 of the sealing system footprint.
Engineer at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (FST)
April 2000 - May 2001: Head of R&D in the Lead Center Oil Seals.
May 2001-2010: Head of Main Department Automotive Sealing/Testing in the Technical Development Center and INNOVATIONCENTER.
2011 – 2012: Director Advanced Product Engineering Global Oil Seals in FST
2012 – 2013: Director Advanced Product Engineering Europe
2013 – 2014: Director Global Strategic Product Development
Since 2015: Vice President Technology & Innovation
April 1997: PhD (Doktor-Ingenieur) at Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart.
Since 2005: Assistant Professor in Sealing Technology at the University of Kaiserslautern.
Since 2015: Professor in Sealing Technology at the University of Kaiserslautern
6. The 4th Czech-Japan Tribology Workshop
(anyone can apply as well as technical sessions)
29th September (Fri) 2023, 10:20 AM - 12:10 PM Room B
29th September (Fri) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room B
29th September (Fri) 2023, 3:50 PM - 5:20 PM Room B
30th September (Sat) 2023, 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM Room B
30th September (Sat) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Room B
Meijo University, Japan | ||
Tomohiro Sato | Kansai University, Japan | |
Tokyo City University, Japan | ||
Ryo Tsuboi | Daido University, Japan | |
Kyushu University, Japan | ||
Kazuyuki Yagi | Kyushu University, Japan | |
Seido Yarimitsu | Kyushu University, Japan | |
Hua Chen | Railway Technical Research Institute, Japan | |
Yuuki Kamei | Resonac Corporation, Japan | |
David Nečas | Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic | |
Petr Šperka | Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic | |
Radovan Galas | Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic | |
Frantisek Lofaj | Slovakia Academy of Science, Slovakia | |
Scope: | Czech Republic is located on the central region and has been established regional cooperation organization with Hungary, republic of Poland and Slovak republic, so called V4 group. Advanced education basis has been established in Cezch republic from early on, lots of excellent scientists and engineers are produced. In the V4 group, Czech takes a leading role in industrial fields. In addition, Japanese government emphasizes the relation with V4 group and the summit between V4 group and Japan was held then the collaboration is promoted in various fields. The objective of the workshop is to provide opportunities of exchange as consistently of promotion of international cooperation of Japanese society of tribolojists and to establish continuous foundation of scientific and technical collaboration for future. Four research topics, tribo materials processing, bio tribology, fundamentals of EHL and tribology in industry are selected in the current workshop. Latest research topic is presented and discussed the future policy strategy are discussed. The workshop session consists of the research topic as mentioned above chaired with Czech and Japanese participants and General participation will be welcome. The workshop is held as a part ITC conference and all participant applies ITC conference. No additional application is necessary. |
Keynote Speakers:

Lubrication of Joint Replacements: What Did We Learn and What Is on the List?
David Nečas
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Lubrication of hip and knee joint replacements attracted increased attention in the past two decades. The motivation was in a limited knowledge of lubrication processes which eventually influence implant wear rate, the persisting drawback of artificial joints. Recent investigations introduced various experimental approaches consisting of different model configurations (ball-on-disc, ball-in-cup and others) while adopting various experimental methods (electrical resistance, optical interferometry, fluorescent microscopy). We learnt a lot about the lubrication regimes of implants, the development of film thickness, the dependence of the lubricating layer on speed, load, material, implant geometry or synovial fluid composition, protein adsorption onto surfaces and the interaction of synovial fluid constituents. However, there are still many challenges ahead that should motivate us towards further development of joint replacements. Specifically, there is a lack of knowledge on lubrication mechanisms considering the modern tribological trends, such as the application of coating (DLC, 2D coatings, polymers) and surface texturing, which have the potential to bring a breakthrough in implant design.
Dr. David Nečas completed his master's in 2012 at Brno University of Technology. After that, he started his PhD in the area of biotribology of artificial joints and was awarded a PhD degree in 2016. In 2021 he became an associated professor in the field of Design and Process Engineering. He lectures in both bachelor and master study programmes, focusing on Machine Design, Analytical Projects and Biomechanic Systems courses. His research activities cover a broad field of biotribology, including the investigation of artificial joints, frictional behaviour of cartilage, biotribology of the eye, fascia and teeth. He is also interested in modern trends towards improved biotribological performance of implants, such as surface texturing or coating. He cooperates with several international institutions worldwide and has a special long-term connection with universities in Japan. In 2018, he was awarded a JSPS postdoctoral fellowship and spent seven months at Kyushu University.

Tribo-chemical Processes in HiPIMS W-C(:H) Coatings Different Environments: Experiment and Modelling
Frantisek Lofaj
Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Tribo-chemical processes leading to the formation of transfer layer during friction the High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) W-C:H coatings against steel balls were investigated experimentally and theoretically in humid air, dry nitrogen, hydrogen and in vacuum. In humid air, the localized tribo-chemical reactions driven by flash temperatures resulted in rapid formation of a transfer layer on the ball. Transfer layers always consisted of disordered hydrogenated graphitic carbon, ferrotungstite and and some single tungsten and iron oxides. The tribo-chemical reactions necessary for their formation involve decomposition of WC into carbon and tungsten, oxidation of tungsten and adjacent iron, water vapor dissociation and carbon hydrogenation. These reactions were successfuly corroborated by thermo-dynamical calculations based on the minimization of Gibb’s free energy. Thus, the coefficient of friction (COF) would be controlled by the amount of carbon and level of its hydrogenation. In dry nitrogen, dominat reaction would be WC decomposition whereas in hydrogen atmosphere, carbon hydrogenation would control phases in transfer layer and COF. In vacuum, friction will be affected by the presence of ductile W and Fe resulting from WC and FeOxWO3 decomposition.
Assoc. Prof. F. Lofaj is a senior researcher at IMR SAS in Kosice, Slovakia. His research interests include PVD technologies for hard coatings and related nanoindentation and tribology as well as relationships microstructure- mechanical properties of bulk ceramic materials and hard coatings. He spent three years at JFCC, Nagoya, Japan, working on creep in silicon nitride. He is an author and co-author of more than 116 publications and his H index is 20.

Film Thickness and Running-in of Real Rough Surfaces in Mixed Lubrication Regime
Petr Šperka
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Various machine elements operate under conditions of mixed lubrication where load is shared between direct asperity contact and elastohydrodynamic lubricating film. In this regime, mean film thickness is often lower than initial surface roughness that is being deformed in the contact. Hence, there is an ongoing challenge in precise prediction of transition to mixed lubrication. In classical theory, the increase of friction from full EHL regime corresponds to the first direct contact between surface asperities. To further extend the knowledge it is necessary to simultaneously measure thin lubricating film and friction. This contribution presents recent findings for real rough surfaces. Film thickness is bellow smooth surface prediction and friction increases before initial solid contact in early phase of mixed lubrication.
Dr. Petr Šperka took his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic in 2011. His current position is an assistant professor and head of Lubrication Fundamentals Section at Tribology Group, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. His research areas cover the boundary, mixed and elastohydrodynamic lubrication, roughness effect, and lubricant rheology. He received Maurice Godet Award in 2009 and Captain Alfred E. Hunt Award in 2017.

Engine Friction Loss Reduction Research for Carbon Neutrality
Yuji Mihara
Tokyo City University, Japan
Towards a carbon-neutral society, fuel for internal combustion engines is also becoming carbon-neutral. The trends and changes in these fuels and friction loss reduction research are introduced.
Assistant at Musashi Institute of Technology in 1996, professor in 2012, and director of the Engine Research Center at the Research Institute of Tokyo City University in 2015. His specialties are engine tribology and hydrogen engine research.
7. Early Career Tribologists Symposium (JAST-STLE Joint Session)
(invited and designated speakers only)
27th September (Wed) 2023, 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM Room D
27th September (Wed) 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:35 PM Room D
27th September (Wed) 2023, 4:30 PM - 6:35 PM Room D
28th September (Thu) 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room G
Tohoku University, Japan | ||
Takeshi Noda | NSK Ltd., Japan | |
Kyle D. Schulze | Auburn University, US | |
Angela Pitenis | University of California, US | |
Scope: | The "Early Career Tribologists Symposium" is held to provide an opportunity for Early Career Tribologists affiliated with JAST (Japanese Society of Tribologists), STLE (Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), and other organizations to interact as part of international collaboration and to build a foundation for continued scientific and technological cooperation in the future. This symposium will present and discuss the latest researches being conducted by early career tribologists and their vision for the future of tribology. This symposium is part of the ITC International Conference and participants are required to register for the ITC International Conference. No additional registration is required. |
8. JAST-GfT Joint Symposium
(invited speakers only)
26th September (Tue) 2023, 4:30 PM - 6:20 PM Room C
Kyushu University, Japan | ||
Thomas Gradt | Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (GfT), Germany | |
Kyushu University, Japan | ||
Scope: | This joint symposium is intended to promote cooperation and friendship between the Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST) and Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V. (GfT) (German Society for Tribology) under the MoU established by both societies in 2019. As the 64th German Tribology Conference is held in Göttingen in the same week as ITC Fukuoka 2023, both societies have decided to organize a common hybrid session. Greeting speeches by the presidents of both societies and four scientific lectures will be transmitted online to the audience of each conference. |